New desktop wallpapers! And they're available in the current assortment of standard desktop resolutions.Every song has their tags filled in, and album art is included, so you can just drag-and-drop these soundtracks into your smartphone's music folder with easy integration into your preferred music player. New soundtracks! I've re-ripped every soundtrack and I'm providing them in a variety of formats: good quality MP3, high quality MP3, and WAV.I'm offering a color version for color printers and a grayscale version for black & white printers. New print-friendly maps! In addition to providing maps, I'm providing print-friendly PDFs containing all the maps.For now on, I'm going to provide a walkthrough right here. New walkthroughs! I'm not going to link to GameFAQs anymore for walkthroughs.Improved game reviews! Previously called the 'about the game' page, my game reviews are now more detailed and more visual.Check out the Alcahest shrine to see the moving lava and bouncing boss! Flash can't be used anymore :( The new 'compliant' method of making cool effects is with CSS3 animation. New effects! My old RPG shrines had some pretty cool animation effects with Flash.They've been carefully coded to transform nicely for small displays. New mobile friendliness! Check out my RPG shrines on your smartphone.Naturally, I'm not going to remodel my shrines without improving them and adding more juicy goodies for you.

So far I've remodeled two shrines: Phantasy Star II and Alcahest. I'll tell you, though, the most important thing I need to do is make my RPG shrines mobile-friendly. I won't bore you with all the technical things that must be implemented. Nearly 80% of my site's visitors come from Google, so I need to take this seriously. Hence, they've been reducing my site's visibility in the Google search. The Internet has changed drastically since then.įor some time now, Google has been 'punishing' me for being too old and not compliant with modern standards. I designed most of my RPG shrines in the early and mid-2000s. I know you guys find my old shrines nostalgic, but they need to go. “Shrines 2.0” are here! I've slowly started remodeling & improving my RPG shrines.

Experience Sega Saturn emulation the way it was meant to be! With the addition of uoYabause, I've updated Video Game Emulation for Newbies with a uoYabause tutorial.

Dolphin is the #1 emulator for GameCube & Wii. DEmul is the #1 emulator for the Sega Dreamcast. uoYabause is an incredible Sega Saturn emulator that recently brought Saturn emulation to a whole new level! Saturn emulation is now close to a similar quality that we're use to with, say, PS1 and N64 emulation.
New downloads include a hard version of the game (the original is very easy) plus other Magic Knight Rayearth games such as the one for Saturn, the two for Game Gear, and the two for Game Boy. The soundtrack is available in multiple formats. It has a walkthrough, maps, and video page, which I didn't have before. It's mobile-friendly, organized better, and overall more pretty.
I've got a new shrine, new games, and lots of emulator updates!